Soviet Georgia – it was a great state

Soviet Georgia is probably one of the best experiences in my life.

საქართველოს კულტურის ღრმა ფესვები ჩემი პერსონა. ამ ტიპის საცხოვრებელი არასოდეს არ იქნება წაართვეს ჩემთვის . კავკასიის მთებში კანონები და სამართლიანობა და ჭეშმარიტი ადამიანის ბუნება გაიმარჯვებს. ძველი პატივს სცემენ. ახალგაზრდული მიღებული ზრუნვა . პატივისცემა ნომერ პირველი პრიორიტეტია. თქვენ შეიძლება იღუპება , მაგრამ იძლევა თქვენი ბოლო ნაჭერი პური , ვინც სჭირდება …

ლამაზი tbilis, მენატრება იმდენად. ჩემი სახლი, ჩემი ხალხი, ჩემი ახალგაზრდობა, ჩემი მკვდარი სამეზობლოში. მე ტირილი შესახებ, ლამაზი ქვეყანაა დღემდე . საქართველო, ლამაზი ქვეყანაა, თქვენ ყოველთვის ჩემს გულში , ლამაზი საქართველოში.

Soviet Georgia is definitely gives you the lessons that are very useful in the future life.

The country went throughout many changes.  It is located in between Europe and Asia, between North of Christian cultures and South Muslim cultures.  The country consisted of more then 80 different nationalities that a lot of the time intermarry each other.  There are more then 80 languages are spoken.  The second language of this country was Russian. Me being 100% Russian, gave me a great advantage in school since this was the language I was using home.  On the streets, of cause, it was Georgian, Armenian and some Turkish.

Soviet Georgia is boarded by the most beautiful Caucasus mountains that block cold air from North and surrounded by the two a good size seas.  Black sea is on the West and Caspian sea is on the East, which gives a lot of humidity.  This is unique place has subtropical weather, where fruits and vegetable flourished.

soviet georgia

Soviet Georgia was very much into hospitality.  It welcomed strangers and was kind to them.  It was known for its production of fine wine, tea and spices. The city was beautiful!  A little moms and pops shops served chazapury, traditional Georgia pastries and turkish coffee. The smell of spices was in the air, which was mixed with maintain clean air.

soviet georgia

Of cause going throughout a couple of wars has changed and people because more frugal.  Those qualities were lost and it all became about the surviving.

The food when it was plenty was amazing.  The tradition was is to make tables outside for the entire community and have parties that lasted for three or four days. Women were always busy at work, cooking and cleaning.  Some of the best dishes were cooked for the period of two or three days.  The music and laughter filled the little neighboring communities.

soviet georgia

Soviet Georgia was a beautiful state on one point of its life.  I hope it recovers some day from all the violence ..ლამაზი საქართველოში