Travel Sydney Australia
Often I get asked what is my favorite place to visit. Australia! Travel Sydney Australia, of cause! I have traveled back and forth cross country a few times. At ones I have considered to make my home base and I may still do it. According the seances, Australia is the hap pies country in the entire world. It is similar to what America used to be, the land of opportunities, where anyone can come, get a great job, get a great house and enjoy the living, not working two or three jobs at low paying wage, fearing of loosing it… Yes, people is Australia are very happy and there is a smile of every face. The country is beautiful when you think of nature and when yo think of people. The nature is still untouched in many areas and in the wild state. The people are tall, not fat (like in some other countries) and fit, mostly of light completion. man have nice broad shoulders and white smiles. Often in the metro station, I was thinking that I am actually inside of the model cover magazine when looked at the crowd getting out of the train….beautiful culture!

I do not even know where to start describing my stay in Sydney. For the American audience, I would like to mention that it is not the capital of Australia. I have mentioned the train transportation, but my preference was always a fairy to get around where I needed to be.

Here is me on the fairy, going near the Sydney opera house

On ocasión, I would enjoy the performance there and then have a nice picnic at the park, right next to it. The parks of Australia were amazing. The huge Australian white cocktail parrot, were flying around 24/7. Oh, boy, are they loud?! What a social bird. I would say too social! A lot of the morning, I just wanted to sleep!

Wine and Food! I am a foodie! I am sea food connoisseur. Every of my travels to Australia are always flu of fish and Australian Shiraz. Australia is well known for its fines wine or at least well known to the wine connoisseur that I am! On occasion, I would settle for the New Zealand one, which is still pretty good.

Here a whole fish lightly fried with very little oil, still having a savory juice inside. Yammy… Yeap, that is what I call a good living… and what dinner without a fine desert? I am addicted to chocolate. The best quality I found in Madrid, Spain and Sydney, Australia. I would always pick a different place to have my desert. I always found it festinating that the same food doe snot taste the same of different continents, like to example when I was experiencing the difference with Gordon Ramsey restaurant in London and West Hollywood. The restaurant in London is excelled and one in West Hollywood was just OK. So back to the chocolate! Here is me, enjoying Max Brenner chocolates. 63 Victoria St is the address of heaven!

I am about to “inhale this slice of luxury”

I would say travel Sydney Australia!