“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman
Follow your dreams with passion, work hard and stay focus. When you close your eyes and see a picture crisp clear to the point that you can touch it, you are half way of making your craziest dream to come true. Believe..
As a starving child on the streets of Caucasus region, finding warms from the heated pipes during the winter, I was sitting with my eye close tight picturing myself on the most beautiful beach with palm trees, coconuts, warm sun and beautiful ocean, calm and blue.. Latter in the days, as I was sipping my Pina Colada enjoying the warm breeze on my tan body and listening to the softly crushing waves somewhere in Caribbean islands, I said it to myself: “yes, I am living my dream” and I smiled.
Dream. Believe. Live. for life is beautiful
Picture taken: somewhere on Caribbean Islands