Los Angeles California
The largest Halloween street party in the world happens in West Hollywood on Saturday, October 31! That is where I went in 2015. To me it was my tradition. A year ago, I lived within the walking distance from West Hollywood and every year, tens and tens thousands of visitors came to the parade. The admission is free to this world-famous event, which includes live music and entertainment on multiple stages along Santa Monica Blvd. I call it road 66, since it is the historic road that was renamed to Santa Monica Blvd.
Ah, Los Angeles California!! Living on the street, where every year the largest in the world Carnaval happens had it’s up and down sides. Commute and parking was one of them. Here is my little Insta entry on Instagram RT about that subject. INSTAGRAM In short for over 10 years, I was giving out the Temp parking permits over the Halloween. By the way, please follow me on Instagram for RT i_LikeJ_ourney Each year, the city sent to its residents five permits for that crazy night. Otherwise, there is no over night parking is permitted to non residence. So, I have arrived to LA . . .

When you are in Los Angeles California, everything is possible. Karma paid me once again, some one handed us a parking permit ! Every year, 500,000 people take to the streets of Santa Monica Blvd. to enjoy the wild costumes and uninhibited crowds at the West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval. Getting a parking spot is a life time value, and I got it! Many times, every one had told me to sell those 5 permits, but I refused. I gave them out free of charge every year to the cars that were passing by my home. People who got those permits have smiled, that was my reward.
The 2015 West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Boy George performed on main stage. The hunt was on. The area was built in 1920s and had a old charm to it. It is the world known historic district, full of mystery and stories.
My friends and I had a blast, but we always do. It is important to be close to people whom you love on the important days of life.