4th of July Fort Myers Beach stay at 4501 Estero Blvd, Fort Myers Beach Ella’s Vacation Rentals to see the best fire work on the Island, reflecting in water. Beautiful! You will enjoy the fireworks fright form your balcony fired on both side, Naples and Sanibel. The fire works are blow right from the beach as well.
The Fourth at the Fort
I cannot think of a better way
To celebrate Independence Day
Than with Ella’s Vacation Rentals
Where you’ll find all of the essentials
To have a perfect Fourth of July!
Fireworks light up the sea and the sky.
As for the owner? You’ll find her near
Eating freshly-caught fish and drinking beer.
She may swim to the shore to say hello
Or watch from her boat the dazzling show.
Write down the address, 4501
Estero Boulevard, for the most fun.
From the balcony, you’ll see very well
The fireworks from Naples, and Sanibel.
A few spots remain, but they’re filling up fast
So contact Ella while vacancies last.