Ocean is my passion
Ocean is magnificent and giant element on its own journey. A human being is similar to ocean. It is full of living things and full of life. It is never the same, one day it is calm and the other it is stormy. It consist of million shades of blue. Oceanic Blue is my favorite color. One day it is light blue as a sky and the other is turquoise and next day is dark blue, and so on. Ocean is a most is the most powerful thing on earth. It can rise and kill, or it can calm you down with its beauty. The calm waves lightly crashing on white sand beach and fresh cool breeze, nothing can re charge you and heal you like an ocean. There are million beautiful beaches surrounds the land, some have white sand, some have black, red and some gold…
Here is a quote I live by:
“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.”